Shaykh Jahangir Mahmud

Islamic Scholar ~ Mentor ~ Author ~ Education Strategist

Shaykh Jahangir Mahmud strives for an improved educational
paradigm for institutions/individuals around the globe.

Shaykh Jahangir Mahmud is an Islamic Scholar, Education Strategist and a Spiritual
Mentor to Muslims beyond national and sectarian boundaries.
He strives for an improved educational paradigm for individuals and institutions
around the globe.

A unique reformer and mentor of our time, he has helped millions spiritually and
intellectually in both personal and professional domains.

Mentoring adults and youth alike, the Shaykh has travelled extensively to impart
knowledge on self-betterment and improved interpersonal and social relationships
based upon best practices highlighted in the teachings of Islam.

His understanding and research of both Islamic and contemporary knowledge has
resulted in his advocacy for educational reforms as a means for the Muslim Ummah to progress and prosper towards assuming a leadership position in the world.

Early Life

Shaykh Jahangir comes from a family of scientists and educators. His grandfather, having completed his Ph.D. in
the 1930s, was the founding father of the Fisheries sector reforms in the Indian subcontinent.
Shaykh’s mother, a career educationist, encouraged and mentored him through his journey of learning, while his
father, a literature educator, provided him with much
needed review and critique to ensure continued
progression. During his early years, the Shaykh assisted his
parents in their teaching and administration of schools,
making him a 3rd generation educationist.

Speaking fondly from his own experiences, the Shaykh
always stresses on the importance of parental involvement
and guidance to nurture children towards being
emotionally and intellectually intelligent adults.

He firmly believes in incorporating progression of
thought and modern day scientific and technological
knowledge in the teaching of Islamic sciences.


Shaykh Jahangir Mahmud spent his early years in a multi-ethnic school in the
United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) and later completed his Senior Cambridge from
the country’s premier private school. In the footsteps of his father and
grandfather, he graduated from Pakistan’s most prestigious, Government
College Lahore, where his grandfather had helped establish the Zoology

In accordance with the centuries old tradition of Islamic Education, the
Shaykh learnt Islamic sciences the classic way, and was bestowed the license
to teach (ijazah) from great ‘Shayoukh’ in Islamic sciences as well as ‘Khulafa’ of
the four Sufi orders.
Schooled at top mainstream as well as Islamic institutes, and nurtured in the
halaqas of orthodox Ulama, he embodies both contemporary and traditional
knowledge & training.

A diverse reader since childhood, his interests comprise an array of topics,
from Islamic Theology to globalization, Economics to Legal complexities,
poetry to world history, social re-engineering to space travel as well as
philosophy and gardening.
He firmly believes in incorporating progression of thought and modern day
scientific and technological knowledge in the teaching of Islamic sciences.

seerah conference

The world’s largest online Seerah Conference that spans 45 countries and reaches the hearts and minds of nearly half a million Muslims every year.

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Shaykh Jahangir has presented papers with a mission
to initiate dialogue, on national and international fora,
on numerous subjects, some of which include:

  • Integrating Islamic Values with Modern Education
  • Reforming Islamic Education
  • Preparing Ulama for the Future
  • Implementing Sunnah in the Modern Classroom
  • Curriculum Development
  • Inter–Faith and Intra–Faith Harmony